About US

Soul Women Inspiration Group

Soul Women Inspiration Group was established in 2009 by Nthabiseng Montsho, born, buttered and bread in Meadowlands aka Ndofaya one of the locations in Soweto. Aged 32 Years old and a mother of three beautiful girls. As other people may put it I'm a part of the Statistics of Abuse which later led to me divorcing my ex-husband the Minister by profession. My life and lives of other Women in and around South Africa inspired me to establish this Women Group as per the name above.
About Soul Women Inspiration Group.
The Inspiration behind the "Soul Inspiration" concept is influenced by my personal experience as a Young South African Woman and experiences of other Women from all walks and levels of life in and around Soweto.

The following Survey was conducted by myself and the purpose was to ascertain what kind of Women who experience abuse.
The following group was interviewed:
Women in and around Soweto
Ages between 15 and 50+
Single Women
Married Women
Divorced Women
Minister's Wives ( Pastors and Reverends)
Employed Professional Women
Women Entrepreneurs
Unemployed Women
Racial groups( Coloured and African Women)
Young and Old Mothers
Childless Women
Women living with HIV

The findings are as follows:
Of the 50 Women that were Interviewed
20% are divorced
30% are unemployed
40% are single
25% are married
45% employed Professionals
25% are entrepreneurs
45% are living with HIV
85% feel their upbringing has to do with who they are ( their Character)

However one thing that is Common about these Women, they have witnessed a woman being abused, they have been abused in their lifetime and some are still abused sexually, emotionally, verbally, mentally, physically and financially.

 Is to see young and old Women loving themselves unconditionally despite their past and upbringing by:
*Respecting and Loving themselves
*Practicing the Spirit of Ubuntu
*Instilling Values and Morality

For Women from all walks of life to be totally Transformed Positively as Individuals. To encourage the lifestyle of Women who are Emotionally, Spiritually, Physically, Economically and mentally stable through Weekly Motivational Sessions by means of a Talk Show where different life issues will be comprehensively discussed in order to heal Women from the Core of the problem.

How will this be executed?
***By listing topics and bringing Real Life stories around specified topics, which will then be discussed in depth, leaving no stone unturned in order for the Women involved to get the kind of help they need.

***A motivational Speaker will be present as a start of the process of the healing for the Individual involved, they will then be referred to a Professional who will monitor their progress of healing and also to remedy the challenge/ situation /problem they are facing.
I have established very Solid relationships with :-
FET College based in Zondi Soweto named the African Dream Campus headed by Mr Mandla Malinga. This is a SETA Accredited Institution that provides Skills Development Programmes to disadvantaged individuals. This Institution train our abused and non abused members who need to develop themselves to get a fresh start in life.

Life Line based in Jabavu John Wesley Centre, where they offer telephonic and face to face counselling to affected individuals. It is my wish to see your Institution being part of this endeavour in order to see growth in our young and old Women.

There are lists of Topics where our discussions for the day will be derived from, the following few topics have been suggested by the Women that were interviewed for Survey Purposes:-

Self Identity.
My boyfriend does not appreciate me.
My husband says I'm fat.
My neighbour is Jealous of me.
I don't get along with my siblings.
I'm a Virgin and I'm proud.
I'm tired of living life
I just discovered that I'm HIV positive.
I suspect that my husband is hiding something from me.
My mother in law is Hitler.
I'm going through a divorce.
From Hero to zero
From Zero to Hero
My ex won't pay maintenance for our children.
My mother does not understand me.
My boss is a bully.
My children have different fathers.
I'm in love with a married man.
What is wrong with using muthi to get what I want?
I hate my body.
I need help I'm obese.
My children are disrespectful.
I can't tell my child who his/her real father is.
I have a confession to make.
I got arrested for killing my abusive husband.
I want to progress in life and I do not know where to start.
I do not get along with my fellow congregants.
I do not get along with my neighbours.
My sister in law is controlling my marriage.
I want to change my image.
I have short temper and I need help.
My uncle is a Junkie.
I'm a prostitute.
I'm bitter about my past / upbringing.
I'm happy to be me.
I'm a child heading a family.
My boy husband abuses my child from a previous relationship
Who am I

As mentioned above that the suggested topics are from the Women in and around Soweto, this clearly indicated that these are day to day challenges that are experienced by Women thus the kind of Women we are perceived to be today.
Once a moth we meet as ladies to discuss the above mentioned topics and more and all the organizing is solely done by myself. I want these gatherings to be professional and thus far I do not get any assistance from anyone.
 I would like to see change in our society and to do that one of us Women must stand up and be the change we want to see in order for other Women to follow.
I am fulfilled by seeing a smile in the face of the woman who has had to deal and heal from their past wounds.
Yours in celebration of Life

Nthabi Montsho (Founder and Director)


  1. He left me for a working woman n I'm a mother of 2 kids, I'm studying and I'm struggling to accept that he is gone as he tells me that I'm stubborn I'm the reason why he cheated ,the girl would drive his cars while we were still together his cars are at the girls hime its been 20 days since he dumped me I just can't deal with this,
